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How to increase your reach on LinkedIn

20 September 2022

Once you have established your personal account on LinkedIn and have started making those valuable connections, you can start to focus on increasing your reach. If you’ve started creating your own original content but you feel you aren’t reaching the numbers that you’d like to see, let us help you with a few tips to help leverage your posts so they can be seen by more people. Remember to be patient, sometimes these results may take some time to make themselves present, if you keep patient and stay consistent it will happen in no time!

Make sure that your content offers something new – Every day we consume so much content from brands we see and people we’re following on our timeline. Because of this, it is so important to make sure that you’re offering your followers something new! Try being experimental with the different types of content you produce! Why not see if your followers respond well to a video series or even some infographics? If you do too much of the same thing, your followers may get bored of the content, so it’s important to switch it up sometimes!

Be an active participant – The whole point of being on LinkedIn is networking! By showing you’re being an active participant in staying up to date with the latest industry news, you’ll be making your voice known and establishing yourself as someone worth following. Be sure to leave comments or even reshare articles from industry experts. The more interesting the shared content is, the better for you, as long as it brings added value to your followers.

Reply to your comments – Be sure to aim to develop conversations with your followers. By replying to comments, you’re showing your following that you’re thankful for their support and that you find their comments valuable! The more you reach out to them, the more they will react to your content and will help to increase your reach by engaging!

Include a call to action – Call to action is a great way to encourage your followers to take a certain action once they have seen your post. Once you have captured their attention, this may be the best way to make a sale or simply just to get them to access more of your content.

Use hashtags on your posts – One of the most tried and tested ways of increasing your reach on LinkedIn is by adding a series of hashtags for your post. Hashtags increase your reach as they may expose your content to a new audience. Be sure to research keyword hashtags and see what works for you! On LinkedIn, hashtags are searchable and members can click on hashtag links to find similar posts.

Look into LinkedIn analytics – LinkedIn analytics is a great tool to utilize when you’re planning your social media strategy. By doing this, you can look into what is working for your brand/page and make updates to your strategy should you need to! Good sections to look at on LinkedIn analytics are the click-through rate and also engagement percentage!

Keep an eye out to see what your competitors are doing – If you have a goal for how you want your page to look and are modeling your success in comparison to one of your competitors, it’s worth investing some time looking at their strategy and seeing what is working. Maybe look at what content gets the most engagement and try that for yourself!

Give your post a paid boost – On LinkedIn, you have the ability to promote a post to help encourage higher levels of engagement! For this you can work on a post that you know will get great responses and promote it. When advertising with Sponsored Content, you can go with LinkedIn carousel ads, single image ads or video ads.

We hope that this article has helped you to get started with working to increase your overall reach on LinkedIn! This won’t be an instant way of doing it, but if you’re consistent then you will start to see the results! If you have any questions or would like us to go into more detail on a certain topic, please feel free to contact us and let us know!

Have you tried any of these methods for yourself, what has worked for you? Let us know in the comments below!

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